Ettore R. Peyrot

Ettore R. Peyrot: Suggested sites

     This is not intended to be an exhaustive collection, but just a list of sites I find useful and interesting, in no particular order...

  • Open Directory Project - The most comprehensive directory of the Web, builded and managed by a vast army of volunteer editors.
  • ODP Unofficial Italian Web - Unofficial website with information in Italian language about Open Directory Project, and usefult tips for both submitters and people willing to become an editor.
  • ODP Public Forum - Promoted and maintained by the ODP editors community, the best place to ask questions about the ODP.
  • Forum WebMasterWorld - Professional search engine optimization dicussion for the SEO industry. Staffed by more than 30 independent webmasters who are promotion and optimization specialists.
  • Eta Beta - Italian ISP offering PSTN e ISDN access, as well as website design, hosting and housing, and search engine submission and optimization.
  • Translation Agency Ability Services - Providing affordable translation services, website translation, software localization, in over 20 languages and in most geo-linguistic areas, as well as communication and Marketing services. Also contains a globalization guide and links to useful resources.
  • Marketing and Communication Agency Ability Services - Providing affordable Marketing and Communicatrion services.
  • Website translation - Website translation information and suggestions for webmasters and Web site owners willing to translate their Website.
  • Studio Cappello - Offers web marketing, submitting and positioning, and web advertising services, alongwith resources, articles, manuals and an oline course on these topics.
  • Laboratorio di Fradefra - An Italian online workshop for the study of new Web communication forms and Website optimization & positioning techniques.
  • Abakus Internet Marketing - German Internet marketing and website positioning company. The site also offers resources, articles, and a Forum.
  • Web site translation - Website translation information and suggestions for webmasters and Web site owners willing to translate their Websites.

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There are two kinds of knowledge. You can know something directly, or you can know how to find information about it.
S. Johnson