Call me (39) 338/7867823

Ettore R. Peyrot


Everything you need to contact Ettore R. Peyrot

     I still value very much my privacy, whereas the information available on this page is already of public domain (meaning that everybody, for whatever reasons, got it somehow somewhere).

     A wise use of phone answering machines, spam filters, and big dogs really well aware of their role, has kept me safe until now from any unwanted (by me) contacts or inproper use of the following data.

Viale Dante 24/9 - 10066 Torre Pellice (TO) - ITALY.

Office (Ability Services)
(+39) 0121 950490
(+39) 338 7867823


Note on the use of my e-mail addresses: You can contact me for info about my job, or just to ask personal questions. You CANNOT contact me with commercial offers of any kind, no matter how "interesting" you think they are. I do consider SPAM a plague to fight, and I do it through any available legal means. Thanks for your cooperation.

Web address

Facebook Profile
Ettore R. Peyrot

Note on the use of my ICQ #: I'm nearly always in "privacy mode", and I answer in any case only to messages stating a reason. If you want to be answered, please therefore clearly state your name and the reason you are contacting me for, or you simply won't receive any reply.

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English version
 :: home
 :: know me better
 :: me, aka myself
 :: at work
 :: not at work
 :: scripta manent
 :: gallery
 :: suggested sites
 :: contacts

Versione italiana
 :: home
 :: per conoscermi meglio
 :: io, ovvero il sottoscritto
 :: al lavoro
 :: non al lavoro
 :: scripta manent
 :: scatti rubati
 :: siti utili
 :: contatti

Asking complex questions is not difficult at all, giving simple answers is.